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Genel Bakış

It is obvious that we may have some ideas about capabilities and product types over the web sites, however I would like to give a brief introduction below and catalogues of us attached above to this email. Being one of the most expereinced and the only integrated company, we have been working for Alstom, Nordex, Vestas, Siemens, Gamesa, Acciona, General Electric ( GE) Wind as of their approved supplier in Turkey. We manufacturer he Anchorcages(foundation bolts and load spreading plates), tower bolts for tover connectiıons besides nacel bolts as well as studs for blades. Please also be advised that we have been available in production the diameters from M16 to M30 in our two of Cold formıng MACHİNES with large valumes and quantities shortly. We have got the biggest capacity of hot forge nut machines for serial productions. We also have biggest capacity of HV (German approach) and HR (British & French approach) bolting assemblies production with CE certifications for ISO EN 14399-1 for preloaded Bolting Assemblies and 15048-1 non preload bolting assemblies. We have our own heat treatment and ecofriendly coating facilities. In Berdan Cıvata, Hydrogen Embrittlement Risk is eliminated by a patented methodology. We have the only accredited test laboratory fully equipped and furnished with very unique devices for calibrated certificates. Berdan is also famous for its participations in the mega Project worldwide.

Faaliyet Gösterdiği Sektör
Metal (Ana Sektör)

İşletme Türü*

Anonim Şirket (A.Ş.)

Firma Ticaret Sicil Numarası*


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Keşan Makina Sanayi
Sanayi Sitesi 21. Blok No:1 Metal
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